This story will give you Hope that things can be good aroud the holidays! Read this share
Stand on what is Right, So that stories like this don't have your name on them! I stand where I live was started to help those understand more about the practices of those we elect to Office! The freeze on pay for the Military has so many up in arms for those, who fight, for the right, to remain on this land free! If you could help with links to stories about things you think the rest of Us should know! Please! Leave them for Us to read and learn from! It starts with you and then your friends! Thanks for reading! Return Soon, I'm adding new links daily! When the city does things like this so the leaders don't take pay cuts and lower their standard of Live,but towering the standard of living for the rest of Us!
Also hard to believe that a story like this could be in the News!
The story is that a politicians, can or can't tell the true about the facts on anything the news covers on TV or the Web!
Here is a story about the State of Washington's Budget for 2011 Top Story . The good new is that some of the unemployed are getting Bennifits on an extension!
When I see stories like this I must post them keeping you informed of Child Nutrition bill the gov. is trying to get signed by Obama!
When the State of Washington does thing like this! How ca they feel good about doing this to the already poor. Nowhere did It say anything about pay cuts for the all ready over paid Elected Officials! The cost of their labor is mind boggling,we need to cut the Fat from the their pay! I will post them so All can read the info and make your own mind! Enjoy and return!
The story behind the link was one of Okay, she did something for Washington Superior court by appointing Judge Michael Evans to the seat!

I stand where I live will bring you the information on Finance,Politics, new Laws, stories that deal with the Government for what is needed to help you win in Life, I stand where I live wants those reading the information on this page to learn that not everything in Life is Fair! I stand where I live will get the news stories and try to find links to more information and pass them along to you in this Blog! So, for all your financial needs and concerns to the law and taxes!
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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About Me

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- My name is Don and I'm a dad of two sons and I have always been a believer that we are our in control of our own lives. My two Boys are the most important thing in my life and the means to make a better. When a person that takes control of their life and stop passing the buck! The more I watch the things around me the more I wonder how it got like this, so far out on a limb with the values in life! Let's work together and make a better place to live, work and to raise a family! These are just some of the things I would like to see change. Thank you for Following My blogs.
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