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Friday, February 18, 2011

Making Headlines

   I Stand Where I Live as doubts about Politicians, when making headlines is the most important business at hand, then when will there be time to take care of the real issues?  I don't understand why a reporter would make such a statement at a press conference, when it's a woman speaker. She then stood proud and defended her Honor in front of a quite crowd of listeners.  The woman has what it takes to see her cause though to the end. 

  When everything you have depends on where you get your money, then why in Heavens name you would cut your own throat. the kind of articles that we read can only be describe as unbelievable. Charles and David Koch are conservative titans of industry who have infamously used their vast wealth to undermine President Obama and fight legislation they detest, such as the cap-and-trade climate bill, the health care reform act, and the economic stimulus package. The day will come when an elected officials don't get paid until their state makes money. The action will take a demanding and overwhelming vote, to change the way our country is being ran by those who only want to be rich. We The People will take away the wealth from an elected positions in government,then watch how fast the life style in the USA will change. I stand where I live knows the road ahead will be difficult and long, but with perseverance and trust in those elected to office will do the best for the Country. They will in turn receive wealth and happiness knowing they made the USA on top of the world again as a leader in technology.


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My name is Don and I'm a dad of two sons and I have always been a believer that we are our in control of our own lives. My two Boys are the most important thing in my life and the means to make a better. When a person that takes control of their life and stop passing the buck! The more I watch the things around me the more I wonder how it got like this, so far out on a limb with the values in life! Let's work together and make a better place to live, work and to raise a family! These are just some of the things I would like to see change. Thank you for Following My blogs.