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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Story About Learning

     The information in this post will help you to learn about the game politicians play on Capitol Hill.with this yet to be seen at the link.   Mary from Louisiana asked Olympia from Maine because they are BFFs, but had a backup in Bob from Tennessee in case she was rebuffed. Kirsten from New York went the Sadie Hawkins route and asked John from South Dakota, and thus the deal between two members of the Senate with seriously good hair was sealed. More on the follow the link.

  Thank you for reading!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Round up of Mobsters

   "Law enforcement authorities targeted up to 100 suspected mobsters in a series of raids and arrests in the New York area early Thursday,"  New York Post . "The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) called the raids and arrests the biggest mafia round-up in the history of New York." For more follow the link!

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.
  - Ernest Benn


Monday, January 10, 2011

Out of Control Politician


   The story goes as follows,  a disgraced former billionaire  who is at the center of a criminal investigation probing whether she made fraudulent representations about her financial worth to a number of banks. 
     The banking industry has over whelmed us all to the point that things like the story describes the money market in the link.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Shooter in Costody


I Stand where I live is always concerned about stories.
Share this link to the shooting Suspect of a Rainier Or. Police Chief

 The story you want to read most has John Travolta with Carrie Fisher @ movie line.You will be shocked!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Income Taxes, Why Wait

When We started this blog not knowing what was in store for Us! I stand where I live has now, become aware of the stories and how many they effect across the country. We'll try to find all the top story links providing you with all the info you require to fill out your tax returns early . Should you do them yourself or hire a professional tax person? I stand where I live hopes this blog can Help. Please, leave a comment or short story about any information on tax links you might have found.
   The ten most common reasons a small  bisness fails in any Market!

  When the President doesn't like some thing he stops It from becoming a Law,it then has to go back in front of the house! There should be No reason for a vote to over turn the President decision to Veto a bill !
  I'll post them and give you and your web site the Credit due! I stand where I live wants to Thank you for reading this blog!
  God Bless the USA!

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  • ...Love Others As Yourself - "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your might and loves other as yourself." Now I do not know if that i...
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About Me

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My name is Don and I'm a dad of two sons and I have always been a believer that we are our in control of our own lives. My two Boys are the most important thing in my life and the means to make a better. When a person that takes control of their life and stop passing the buck! The more I watch the things around me the more I wonder how it got like this, so far out on a limb with the values in life! Let's work together and make a better place to live, work and to raise a family! These are just some of the things I would like to see change. Thank you for Following My blogs.